Why I started this blog?

Note: If you’re reading this blog and enjoy it or have an opinion then please leave a comment or contact me directly.  I don’t want this to be me talking at you, but a discussion where we can explore things together.

My name is Andy and I am starting this blog for one main reason and that is to help you find what you’re looking for by sharing what I found.  If there is anything I have found in my life up until now it has been “peace”.  Hopefully I can help you with that.

I’d like to support you as you go through the ups and downs of your life from intense sadness to the extremes of joy and happiness.

I want to share my ideas, feelings, and advice/solutions to problems and questions that I dealt with in my life and you probably went through or are dealing with right now.

The past 6 years of my life has been focused on finding a path/purpose/truth (those are the best words to describe it but you could say I don’t really know what I’m looking for).  And through those years I had ups and downs (very big downs!) and now have come to a point where I feel I’ve made it a little along the way.  I might not be at the “end” but I feel like I’ve come far and I want to share my experiences and maybe help you.  I will talk about everything I experienced including relationships, depression, work, and “finding myself” but really I want to hear from you.  I want to know what difficulties you’re facing, share your story, and maybe we can support each other.

But I also want to focus on successes.  I want to hear how you made it, how you conquered something or how you found an answer.  Let’s celebrate each other and learn as much as possible from everyone we meet.

This is also the beginning of hopefully a committed community that helps each other and that can make real change happen.

So please contact me regularly with any questions or things you’d like to share and thank you for reading this.


Much Love,


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