
A friend of mine recently decided to change careers but doesn’t want to sacrifice his lifestyle to pursue it.  I don’t believe this is a good way to live at all.

I’ve learned that anything in life requires sacrifice (money, time, other opportunities, etc.).  And just because I sacrificed a lot for one dream doesn’t mean I get a pass if I decide to achieve something else.  I have to start all over and sacrifice again.  This seems unfair or not worth it to some people.  But this is life.  If I don’t want to sacrifice that’s fine but then I must be happy with not achieving anything (which is also fine – there’s nothing wrong with that).  But if I want to do something I am willing to sacrifice everything.

He also said he wishes he didn’t waste time at school for his first option and knew to go into what he’s pursing now.  But that’s like saying I wish I knew broccoli tasted bad before I tried it.  Life doesn’t work like that.  It’s an experiment and we are always testing and learning.  So enjoy it because more often than not you’re probably making a mistake.  But that’s how you learn.  Nothing is a waste.  It all leads you somewhere if you’re willing to take a step.  That’s what I’ve learned.

Life is not about getting it right.  It is not a curve that rises up higher and higher until you die.  It is a roller coaster ride with huge highs and steep dips and corkscrews.  I try to enjoy the ride whether I feel high or low because- why not?

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