Getting Out of Your Own Way

What does it even mean to get out of my own way?

To stop letting my “self” distract me from what I’m trying to do.  These distractions are thoughts or actions that don’t help and can hinder what I’m trying to do.

How do I get out of my own way?

By ONLY focusing on what your doing.

This can apply to anything in my life and ties in with the realization that everything is already perfect.

I already am a success I just have to realize it.

I already have everything I want I just have to realize it.

I already am happy I just have to realize it.

And I realize these things by getting out of my own way and being happy with my efforts, being content with what I have and being in the moment.

It might be hard to understand but that’s just because you’re getting in your own way.  Don’t try to intellectualize it.  Just feel it.  Be it.

I believe we’re already enlightened, we just have to get out of our own way.  Which is another way of saying, “get rid of the ego”.  See yourself for who you are, accept what you see, and live as you choose.

If you have any questions about it let me know.

Much Love,


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