Stuck on Repeat

I’ve found in my life I tend to make the same mistakes over and over again and change happens very slowly.  I decide to do something and then end up not doing it.  I say I’m going to start waking up early but find myself going back to sleep after my alarm goes off.  I decide to read a chapter of a book every day but end up skipping a few days.  I decide to plan every day then get caught up in the moment.  This has happened a lot in my life and continues to happen.

Just look at my last article.   I said I would write a post a week and it’s been 8 days!

Change for me happens very slowly.  But it always happens, eventually.

It’s great to make changes but don’t expect them to happen overnight.

Having reminders are great.  Write to yourself.  Talk to yourself.  Let others know about the changes you are making.  Leave notes for yourself.

Make it a priority or don’t change at all.


For additional inspiration:

Zen Habits


Much Love,




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